Friday, December 01, 2006

A good day in games

Some wry obeservations from games design students during a recent presentation and crit of their work.

Pete was never one to hold back...

Lee didn't need much excitement in his life...

Steve's attention wanders...

Jez needs to project more...

Alex displays more honesty than modesty...

And finally....

Something Fishy

On November 16th the third year advertising students did a presentation for a brief on John West tuna and salmon using 48 sheet posters. This was to Andy Cheetham Creative Director of Cheetham Bell JWT in Manchester, who gave critical feedback on the students' work. He also showed a DVD on the future of advertising and the effects of digitalisation on conventional media. It was a fantastic day and the students were there for five hours. Here is some of the best work by Adrian Posniak.