Tuesday, February 06, 2007

BA (Hons) Interior Design London Research Trip Nov 06

The first year students on the BA (Hons) Interior Design course enjoyed their annual study trip to London which this year included getting dizzy on the slides at the Tate Modern.....drinking Port in an historic subterranean bar...freezing at the Millenium wheel....a night of Jazz in the King's head...a visit to the mysterious Sir John Soane's museum... being evicted from the new Children's museum...and hot pasties in Covent Garden...plus many other truly amazing events.

The trip played part of the ongoing research students enjoy in relation to their current project...in this case lighting effects... the results of which will be posted soon.

Visiting Professionals

Steve Spence Managing Director/Executive Creative Director of Scholz and friends in London visited the department to work with the Advertising students. He came to crit the students on an Aide memoire brief i.e. something to leave behind after they have shown their work to a creative director, plus to look at thair portfolios.

Steve is an ex-student from the Graphics course from about 10 years ago and spent many years as senior copy writer at Abbott Mead Vickers working on award winning Volvo campaigns. He has employed some of our students and is a former External examiner on the Advertising course.